I am an artist, author, yogi, teacher, mother, grandma and lover of dogs. I’m obsessed with making art on my iPad, and huge mosaics for the sides of buildings. I find inspiration in many places: the flight of the butterfly, treasures seen across the globe, characters in cafes, people on the street, dreams, and hidden treasures of nature discovered on country walks. Visions are everywhere.
For the last two decades I have been creating, fabricating and installing large scale mosaic and architectural ceramic installations on public buildings across Florida. The Florida Botanical Gardens, Orlando Shakespeare Theatre and the main Palm Beach County Library are just a few.
Sequestered home alone during the pandemic, I took long lazy walks down memory lane. I revisited my childhood at the hotel that my grandfather built in the Virgin Islands, and time at the London College of Fashion where I partied with rockstars and aristocrats. I spent years in Yoga ashrams in the US and India, and raised two sons as a single parent . My memoir “ Quiet Mind Crazy Heart“ is available on Amazon.
To learn more about me and my work, please visit my website www.suzikedwards.com
I will be teaching a creative meditative workshop, “ Path of the Butterfly, Fearless in Life and Art”, at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies in Rhinebeck New York this May. Omega is a magical place and really worth a visit. You can check it out and register at https://www.eomega.org/workshops/path-butterfly.